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Articles, Reviews, & Creative Work

Lizbette Ocasio-Russe
Jun 2, 20211 min read
PPC PRESENTS: The Death of Stalin and The Oath pt.1
Joey and I discuss the commentary and efficacy of Armando Iannucci's The Death of Stalin and Ike Barinholtz's The Oath. Anti-communist...

Lizbette Ocasio-Russe
Nov 23, 20194 min read
WTF, American Horror Story?!
American Horror Story, wtf? I fully expected AHS: 1984 to be as glorious as the 80s theme it promised, but I must say I was pretty...

Lizbette Ocasio-Russe
Oct 30, 20194 min read
Installation III. PPC Reviews The Terror (S1) and It Chapter Two
1) Joey's Pick: The Terror (season 1) In an effort to better relate to sociopaths, and because I’m tired of Liz calling me a wuss, I...

Lizbette Ocasio-Russe
Sep 30, 20195 min read
What Pop Culture did YOU Consume this Weekend?
Thanks to a brilliant suggestion from one of the writers here at Pussy Pop Culture, the wildly talented Joey Maqueda, we have decided to...

Lizbette Ocasio-Russe
Sep 7, 20197 min read
Why Your Guilty Pleasures Should NOT Make You Feel Guilty
I don’t know about you, but I’m absolutely sick of people making me feel bad for the shows and films that I love. I must admit, I’ve been...

Kevin Khoury
Aug 3, 20193 min read
Stop Being Lazy, Embrace Subtitles
Why are so many people weary of subtitles? Put a few lines of text on the bottom of the screen and people act like they're about to take...

Joey Maqueda
Jul 19, 20194 min read
You Guys Wanna See Dead Bodies?
We've all had the same... we'll call it "fantasy." An old newspaper tumbles across an empty street. Rusted-out cars with skeletons at the...
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